28 April 2013

SAT-ll Chemistry syllabus free download

Getting Ready for the Test

Approximate % of Test
Fundamental concepts and knowledge
Application of knowledge
Synthesis of knowledge

  • Understanding of the major concepts of chemistry and the ability to apply principles to solve specific problems
  • Ability to organize and interpret results from observation and experimentation, and to draw conclusions or make inferences from experimental data, including data presented in graphic or tabular form or both
  • Laboratory experience and familiarity with the metric system of units
  • Ability to handle simple algebraic relationships and apply these to solving word problems
  • Familiarity with the concepts of ratio and direct and inverse proportions, exponents and scientific notations
  • One-year introductory college-preparatory course in chemistry
  • One-year course in algebra
  • Experience in the laboratory
Approximate % of Test

Structure of matter

  • Atomic Structure, including experimental evidence of atomic structure, quantum numbers and energy levels (orbitals), electron configurations, periodic trends
  • Molecular Structure, including Lewis structures, three-dimensional molecular shapes, polarity
  • Bonding, including ionic, covalent, and metallic bonds, relationships of bonding to properties and structures; intermolecular forces such as hydrogen bonding, dipole-dipole forces, dispersion (London) forces

States of matter

  • Gases, including the kinetic molecular theory, gas law relationships, molar volumes, density, and stoichiometry
  • Liquids and Solids, including intermolecular forces in liquids and solids, types of solids, phase changes, and phase diagrams
  • Solutions, including molarity and percent by mass concentrations, solution preparation and stoichiometry, factors affecting solubility of solids, liquids, and gases, qualitative aspects of colligative properties

Reaction types

  • Acids and Bases, including Brønsted-Lowry theory, strong and weak acids and bases, pH, titrations, indicators
  • Oxidation-Reduction, including recognition of oxidation-reduction reactions, combustion, oxidation numbers, use of activity series
  • Precipitation, including basic solubility rules


  • Mole Concept, including molar mass, Avogadro’s number, empirical and molecular formulas
  • Chemical Equations, including the balancing of equations, stoichiometric calculations, percent yield, and limiting reactants

Equilibrium and reaction rates

  • Equilibrium Systems, including factors affecting position of equilibrium (LeChâtelier's principle) in gaseous and aqueous systems, equilibrium constants, and equilibrium expressions
  • Rates of Reactions, including factors affecting reaction rates, potential energy diagrams, activation energies


  • Including conservation of energy, calorimetry and specific heats, enthalpy (heat) changes associated with phase changes and chemical reactions, heating and cooling curves, entropy

Descriptive chemistry

  • Including common elements, nomenclature of ions and compounds, periodic trends in chemical and physical properties of the elements, reactivity of elements and prediction of products of chemical reactions, examples of simple organic compounds and compounds of environmental concern


  • Including knowledge of laboratory equipment, measurements, procedures, observations, safety, calculations, data analysis, interpretation of graphical data, drawing conclusions from observations and data

Additional Things to Know

Answering Relationship Analysis Questions
On the actual Chemistry test, relationship analysis questions must be answered on the special section (labeled “Chemistry”) at the lower left-hand corner of your answer sheet. These questions will be numbered beginning with 101.
Answer sheet #101
*CE indicates a correct

23 April 2013

Chemistry Olympiad Exams

Home | Competition Process | Rules | Past Exams | Coordinators | Mentors | About

Local Chemistry Olympiad Exams

Approximately 10,000 U.S. students participate in local Chemistry Olympiad competitions. Exams are administered and coordinated by ACS local sections annually in March. Students are nominated for the U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad competition based on exam scores and teacher recommendations.
Local Exams (2000-2012)

National Chemistry Olympiad Exams

The U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad national exam is a 3-part, 4.5 hour exam administered in late April by ACS local sections. Nearly 900 students participate in the competition each year.
Part IPart IIPart III
  • Multiple Choice
  • 90-minutes
  • 60 multiple choice questions
  • Covers broad chemistry topics
  • Problem Solving
  • 105 minutes
  • 8 written questions
  • Covers chemical theories and models
  • Lab Practical
  • 90 minutes
  • 2 laboratory practicals
  • Involves problem solving in the laboratory
National Exams (1999-2012) 
Answer key included
2012 2011 2010 2009 2008
2007 2006 2005 2004 2003
2002 2001 2000 1999